Senior Female Athletes Represent Case at Boston’s ‘Women In Sports Day’

Senior Female Athletes Represent Case at Boston’s ‘Women In Sports Day’

By Jacob Janicki, “Cardinal” Staff

For the first time in four years, Case High was represented at the Women in Sports Day at the historic Faneuil Hall in Boston on April 28, where seniors Rylie MacDonald and Lexi Yost were accompanied by Coach Micheala Goncalves.

MacDonald “had fun. It was an awesome experience and the speakers were very interesting to listen to.” She continued to say her “favorite part of the event was listening to women who played sports in the ‘70s and ‘80s and seeing how far we have come.”

Goncalves, for whom this was the fourth time chaperoning Case students, agrees, saying she “loved witnessing the many generations of female athletes that come together to celebrate how far we’ve come in sports.” 

She further talks about some of her favorite speakers and says that the Norwood High School Girls’ Basketball Coach McDonnell was one of the best.  Goncalves continued to talk about how “Coach McDonnell brought so much wisdom, passion, and guidance not only for the female student-athletes but for the adults in the room.”

MacDonald further explained about Coach McDonnell, saying that “her speech was very fun to listen to and you could tell she was passionate about what she was saying. Learning how she has accomplished so much even through adversity was very impressive.”

Yost echoed MacDonald, saying, “She was super influential,” and her speech really “resonated” with her.

Thinking back to the invitation to go, Goncalves says she “was really honored and excited when Mr. Palladino asked if I wanted to chaperone the trip and bring two of our senior female athletes.”

She continues to talk about her athletes, saying, “Rylie and Lexi were chosen because they are both three-sport athletes who work hard in the classroom, on the field, on the court, in the circle, and on the ice! … They represent a wide variety of sports and were great role models to represent our school.”

Goncalves concludes that she’s  “just grateful to be a woman in athletics to inspire young women to be strong, confident and know that they can do anything they set their minds to!”

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