Feature: Did you ever wish you had a twin? 

Feature: Did you ever wish you had a twin? 

By Laura Anctil, “Cardinal” Staff

We might assume that having a twin is wonderful, but some pairs of twins think differently. Nick and Gabriela Thorpe are seniors at Joseph Case High School and are frequently both annoyed with each other when it comes to being in the same school. 

“I prefer not to be in the same class because sometimes she talks about personal issues,” said Nick. So being twins and having to share and do everything together may not be as fun as some of us think. 

Junior Anna Correia, whose twin is A.J. Correia, somewhat agrees, saying that always having your sibling around and doing the same thing with you every day can at times be annoying. 

For example, sharing a classroom can be difficult in that it can hold internal competition between siblings, especially twins. “I prefer not to be in the same class because we go through everything else together. I just prefer not to so I can be my own person,” said Anna. 

One of the stereotypical questions with being twins is, do twins have telepathy? Well, some twins do and some don’t. Anna says that she thinks she and her brother have “a little bit, but not how everyone thinks. I can understand what he is feeling and know when he’s upset.”   

Another question many people have is if twins really feel different or just like siblings. Gabriela Thorpe explains, “It feels like we are more just siblings, I guess it’s just a fraternal twin thing.” 

It’s also a common misconception that twins are best friends. “Anna is the same to me as my brother,” said A.J. Correia. “I don’t really feel closer to (her) just because we’re twins.”

Despite the stereotypes that make it seem like all twins experience the same highs and lows, the experience of twins at Case seems to vary just about as much as the experience of siblings in general. 

Nick and Gabriela Thorpe, photo credit: Laura Anctil 

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